A Day In The City

Down on the corner where lives a lust and greed,
Where truth is exposed and the captive super-ego freed:
The young girl with a lonely mind obediently bows her head,
And the old man puts on his mask and shamefully is fed.

The well versed veteran overlooks this scene of incestuous desire
As a retired policeman gazes at the flames of a deathly fire.
Oh the secrets that are kept in the lascivious shadows of this town,
Would send shame to the masses who knell before Oedipus’ crown.

And as the fire continues to ignite all life in its space
It slowly loses its distinction as a luring sinful place.
The ubiquity of the gazes, street signs, sounds and sights
Sends a sudden hesitance to the instinctual fight or flight.

Down on the corner where lives a passion and grace,
Where the lover’s song materializes into the city’s majestic face.
The young boy with confidence feels large among the city heights.
The observant old woman smiles from memories of childhood nights.

The well versed veteran overlooks this scene of cyclic life
As a soldier looks into a victims eyes and sees those of his wife.
Oh the wonder that is kept in the shadows of this town
Turns cynics into lovers, a smile from a frown.

As the once tumultuous flames begin to slowly subside
The old man removes his mask and to him the girl confides.
The young boy sits on his bed alone and starts to cry,
The old woman frowns, for the life she lived has died.

A young poet gazes through a transparent coffee shop,
Pondering if a woman is a whore, a nun, or a crooked cop.
For days he sits and thoughtfully observes the workings of this town
Convinced this place of obscurity is simply living upside down.

Oh the secrets that are kept in the shadows of your mind.
They’re a young boy who leaves a game of hide and seek you never find.
You look in every corner of the world that exists to you
But fail to transcend to the places you never thought were true.

So the poet leaves behind this town he’s deemed to be a waste-
Failing to find, the proper line, he stubbornly departs with haste.
A message he was looking for, a sign from the lord above,
Why people do what they do, why we hate, why we love.

But finding reason in a world like ours is a fateful quest.
And the consciousness that is aware is one that is laid to rest.
So disappointment is all that’s in store for those who seek a line
To be the wisdom of the world, the missing link to define.

This town will never cease to be all that it’s meant to be-
Dichotomy’s simultaneously living without the chance to see:
A boy with pride goes home with pain that once more will mend,
An old man ceases to be determined as enemy or friend,

An old woman lives in a balance of emptiness and joy,
A young girl finds the appropriate level to exert her toy,
A policeman and a soldier will gaze on with feelings we don’t know,
And a poet, though confused, enjoys the thoughts he’s gained from the show.

Oh the beauty that is kept in the shadows of this town.

Death, Or What I Think To Be

Death, or what I think to be a harrowing creature comes to me.
It has no shape, it has no feel, and yet its presence I can see.
I hear no sound but silence as it sends a shiver through my skin,
I feel no sense but hatred and slight contempt for my kin.

My woman she is beautiful and yet she sits alone-
A gracefulness of angels, I love I had never known.
Two places in two worlds yet once they both were one,
A life she once lived, once loved, withered into none.

I can hear the saddened breath sneak through her lips
As her shadow sulked away : the sun beneath a moons eclipse.
I tell myself its only love: its vengeful return again.
A callous remembrance: a thought of a faithful friend.

The days, they slowly melt away...
A dying tree in its decay...

I was once her lover, she was my darling queen,
We talked of eternity and all the years in between.
A sparkle in her eye was Sirus on the darkest night,
A path that spoke to me, showing me the hopeful light.

Time drips from a canvas onto the lifeless floor,
A gentle rain brings a chill through the open door.
An empty darkness settles and the fire flames all but die.
A fly on the wall witnesses a tear fall from my eye.

In my attempt to escape I drown my ears to poetry:
I listen to a man tell lonesome tales of harmony,
I listen to a woman cry for love yet wonder if I hear
Or if I take what I please and reject what I fear.

I read of a king and queen who each hold separate minds-
Through circumstance they become one, an obligatory bind.
One day the king wakes up and death is laying next to him.
His bride lays beside him, smiling as the light grows dim.

Tears slowly fall down the cheeks of his forlorn.
A once unwavering man of principle sits lost and torn.
How could his life turn upside, could this be true love?
The answer is his smile as he transcends the light above.

Days that I do not feel pass and are forever gone,
Only a familiar sound alerts me to the break of dawn.
A whisper, once my morning, a warm breath to me cheek.
Followed by her footsteps, the floorboards reliant creak.

A light finds the room, a reflection finds my face.
Yet it is not I, but swear I see her living trace.
I curse to the Gods for this is folly on my mind.
Yet she reaches for my heart as I rescind to her kind.

At last a smile on my face, a light to my sanguine eyes.
My queen in my arms, my shoulder to her joyous cries.
Death, for I am sure at last comes to me,
At last I am free.

An Incidental Therapy

A man died in my arms and I began to cry.
In his last fleeting words he spoke his greatest lie:
"I fell in love with a woman whom I hated so,
I preached the words of truth I never proved to know."
His last gasping words turned into five or ten.
His eyes became despondent to a moment when
He held his finger, hovering, above the life and death
Of everything good and bad derived from God's breath.
His lungs gasped for breath, his eyes began to fade.
He spoke in a whisper of every promise made:
"I'd lay in bed all night, their faces in my head,
How I promised wine yet granted only bread."
Then with a transparent sigh he closed his eyes and died,
Leaving me to wonder why I'm the one who cried.